展览时间: 六月 7-9, 2024
展览名称: 7印度国际卫生 & 健康展
展览地点: Pragati Maidan, 新德里, 印度
适合类别: 保健 & 健康展
适合推广产品: Cold and hot pain relief patches, 中药贴剂, 儿童贴片, 精油贴片, 乳房贴片
As the humanity interest to the topics of ancient Paramedical System is growing day by day, 健康 & Wellness is the first step in our voyage to a Healthy World.
健康 & Wellness is bringing a platform for various Health & Wellness opportunities and providing an access of all information and knowledge related to Paramedical Sciences through various events at the venue. It would be a privilege to meet and listen the most eminent & renowned Professional Speakers at the 7th edition of the International Health and Wellness Expo 2024.
健康 & Wellness will provide a platform for business houses and individuals related to Yoga, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Herbal, Unani and Siddha as a showcase to their various products on Organic Food, Herbal Cosmetics, Yoga Props and Organic Clothing, 等.
展会链接: HTTPS的://theyogshalaexpo.com/