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Торговая гарантия Чайна Биурс Биосайенс Ко., ООО.

Профессиональные косметические гидрогелевые патчи и товары для здоровья


Новости ЭКСПО

Exhibition Cambodia Health & Beauty Expo 2024

Exhibition period: August 2-4, 2024
Exhibition Name: Exhibition Cambodia Health & Beauty Expo 2024
Exhibition location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center
Suitable category: Maternal and Child Care, Personal Care, Здоровье

Suitable for promoting products: The International Health and Beauty Trade Show in Cambodia. This show is a platform of health and beauty industry who looking for the opportunity to expand their businesses in Cambodia and discovery potential networking and buyer.
VIRTUAL EXHIBITION: FOODBEV, RETAIL, HEALTH & BEAUTY PLATFORM is an online platform for sourcing of food & beverage, retail solution and health & beauty industries. This platform is a linkage to generate new business opportunity in Cambodia through our exclusive online digital channel. The privilege business matching program will be offered to all participants who take part in this exhibition.

Exhibition link: https://www.cambodiahealthbeauty.com/showinformation



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