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Assurance commerciale Chine Biours Biosciences Co., Ltée.

Patchs d’hydrogel de beauté professionnels et produits de santé


Nouvelles de l’Expo

Slavic B2Beauty 3rd Contracts for the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry

Période d’exposition: Juin 18, 2024
Nom de l’exposition: Slavic B2Beauty 3rd Contracts for the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry
Lieu d’exposition: Kelce Trade Exhibition and Convention Center
Catégorie appropriée: cosmetic/ skincare/professional beauty care
Convient pour promouvoir des produits: Beauté: patch visage amincissant, patch anti-rides, Cache-œil, patch blanchissant et détachant Beauté professionnelle: Patch d’entretien au laser, Patch pour cils

Over a thousand business conferences have gathered producers and buyers from around the world. The two-day exhibition provides a predetermined schedule. This plan is Slavic B2Beauty’s competitive advantage over all other events held on the Polish cosmetics industry stage. Verified formats will produce results; Business cooperation statement. The World Expo model has attracted more and more entrepreneurs from three continents. The third exhibition will be held on June 18th and 19th, which is a pairing event between Polish and foreign businessmen. Exhibitors will also be able to invite their own contractors for the first time and finalize contracts at the Targi Kielce exhibition and conference center. The rich novelty also includes an area dedicated to cannabis and herbal products.

Lien vers l’exposition: https://www.targikielce.pl/



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