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Assurance commerciale Chine Biours Biosciences Co., Ltée.

Patchs d’hydrogel de beauté professionnels et produits de santé

Beauty Eurasia 2024

Période d’exposition: Juin 12-14, 2024
Nom de l’exposition: Beauty Eurasia 2024
Lieu d’exposition: Istanbul Expo Center
Catégorie appropriée: cosmetic/ skincare/professional beauty care
Convient pour promouvoir des produits: Beauté: patch visage amincissant, patch anti-rides, Cache-œil, patch blanchissant et détachant Beauté professionnelle: Patch d’entretien au laser, Patch pour cils

BeautyEurasia: International Cosmetics, Beauté & Hair Exhibition
Recognized as the biggest commercial platform of the cosmetics industry of the Eurasia region. The exhibition which is one of the major gateways to the Eurasia market, offers a very fruitful trade exhibition to sector’s professionals from Turkey and abroad by creating new business and partnership opportunities for them.

Hosting 459 exhibitors and around 20,000 visitors, it is the essential exhibition for the cosmetics industry in Turkey, featuring leading products and services.

Lien vers l’exposition: https://beautyeurasia.com/



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