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Trade Assurance China Biours Biosciences Co., Ltée.

Professional Beauty Hydrogel Patches And Healthcare Products

AusMedtech 2024

Exhibition time: May 22-23, 2024
Nom de l’exposition: AusMedtech 2024
Lieu d’exposition: Adelaide Convention Centre
Exhibition theme: Health care
Catégorie appropriée: Health care
Convient pour promouvoir des produits: cold and hot pain relief patches, traditional Chinese medicine patches, children’s patches, essential oil patches, breast patches
Exhibition Introduction: AusMedtech is Australia’s leading medical technology conference, aimed at medical technology executives, providing business cooperation opportunities for decision-makers and investors. AusMedtech 2024 provides valuable opportunities for representatives, partners, and exhibitors to connect, exchange, and exchange ideas on the latest medical technology and industry possibilities. AusMedtech 2024 will be held from May 22nd to 23rd, 2024 at the Adelaide Convention Center
Lien vers l’exposition: https://www.ausmedtech.com.au/

AusMedtech 2024



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