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Handels-Assurance China Biours Biosciences Co., GmbH.

Professionelle Beauty-Hydrogel-Pflaster und Gesundheitsprodukte

Beautech Expo 2024

Ausstellungszeitraum: June 17-18, 2024
Name der Ausstellung: Beautech Expo
Ausstellungsort: Bombay Exhibition Center
Geeignete Kategorie: cosmetic/ skincare/professional beauty care
Geeignet für die Werbung für Produkte: Schönheit: slimming face patch, wrinkle patch, eye patch, whitening and spot removal patch Professional beauty: laser care patch, eyelash patch

Beauty Expo is committed to the beauty market in the Indian Peninsula. This will be the first comprehensive exhibition of the entire beauty industry in eastern India. Beauty Expo will shift its focus to the future of the Indian cosmetics industry. Beauty Expo is a part of Sutra Exhibitions, a brand that holds lifestyle exhibitions in potential second tier cities such as Raibuhr, Nagpur, Kanpur, Indore, Lucknow, Lanche, and Bubaneshwar.

Link zur Ausstellung: https://www.beautechexpo.com/



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